Sunday 4 September 2011

Doctors at Baylor Hospital in Texas diagnosed Branch Warrens leg injury as a torn quad tendon in his left leg. Warren will have surgery Monday morning. Doctors expect him to recover 100% and be able to return to the stage to defend the Arnold Classic title in March 2012.

"Branch is upbeat and relieved that he will be competing again in just seven months time," said Muscular Development Editor in Chief Steve Blechman who spoke to Warren after the diagnosis. "Branch is a fighter," said Blechman. "He will recover from this just like he recovered from his tricep injury. Its great news that he will be so soon after such a potentially devastating setback."

Warren says that if he feels up to it, he will call in to MD Radio Monday at 7 pm EDT/4 pm Pacific to give his fans the full story.

Friday 6 May 2011

Serious Mass

Serious Mass: the ULTIMATE in weight gain formulas. Serious Mass supplies you with the tools you need to pack on the pounds and develop the physique you''ve always wanted.  Serious weight gain requires serious calories. However, those who need the extra calories most, often have the toughest time consuming enough of them. For many aspiring to be bigger, highly-active metabolisms, weaker appetites and on-the-run lifestyles make consuming sufficient calories through whole foods alone a real challenge. With Serious Mass, you've got nothing to lose and lots to gain. We've consolidated over 1,250 calories, 50 grams of protein, 250-plus grams of carbohydrates, and 25 vitamins & minerals with added glutamine and creatine into every serving. It's time to stop thinking small; get serious - Serious Mass. 


Unflavored Versatility!
Contains A Blend Of 6 Different Fiber Sources With 5 Grams Of Fiber Per Serving!

It's generally recommended that adults consume 25 to 35 grams of fiber per day. Most adults only get about half of that amount. Fiber's value to athletes and health conscious individuals is centered on its important role in digestive support. If you're not consuming enough fruits and vegetables to meet your fiber needs, adding a teaspoon of Fitness Fiber to your favorite, beverage, protein shake, oatmeal, or bowl of cereal gets you 5 grams closer to meeting your goal – with only 10 additional calories.

  • Contains a blend of 6 different fiber sources (Polydextrose, Fibersol-2, Inulin, Guar Gum, Psyllium Seed Husk, Gum Arabic)
  • 5 g of fiber per serving
  • Only 10 calories
  • Unflavored versatility
  • Mixes easily


Anarchy™ is the next generation VPX supplement designed to promote rapid resynthesis of ATP. To add fuel to the fire, Anarchy's™ potent blend of ingredients have been scientifically proven to stimulate the central nervous system, increase intramuscular creatine concentrations, buffer changes in intramuscular pH, as well as enhance strength, power and muscle mass.

Anarchy™ contains the patent pending covalently bonded creatyl-L-glutamine peptide as well as creatine monohydrate. Anarchy™ also contains ingredients that, in combination with creatine monohydrate, appear to have the greatest effect on lean tissue gains and body fat composition. To top it off, Anarchy™ contains the synergistic combination of caffeine and yohimbine. This proven combination not only enhances strength performance, but can also enhance cognitive function and skill.

  • Rapid ATP Resynthesis
  • CNS Stimulator
  • Increases Whole Body Creatine Retention & Intramuscular Carnosine
  • pH Stabilizer/Fatigue Inhibitor
  • Anarchy is currently the only product in the world to contain VPX's Covalex™ Patent Pending Covalently Bonded Creatine8Glutamine Peptide!


Fat Loss and Energy
BSN®''s original weight management formula was developed to promote the burning of fat and calories while keeping energy levels at a maximum. Along with the positive fat burning effects, THERMONEX™''s proprietary blend of caffeines, thermogenics and tyrosines is designed to improve physical performance, promote mental alertness and acuity and regulate thyroid function already within the normal range.

An extremely sought after benefit is the absence of a post-serving crash; this is made possible with Naringin, prolonging the effects of all other ingredients, steadily bringing energy up, leveling it off and then slowly bringing energy levels back down.

  • Supports alertness and physical performance
  • Supports the breakdown of fat tissue
  • Supports the removal of temporary excess water
  • Promotes thermogenesis
  • Promotes the thermogenic properties of caffeine
  • Supports catecholamine production
  • Supports thyroid function already within the normal range

Liquid Clenbutrx® Hardcore

WORLD''S MOST LEGENDARY UNDERGROUND FAT INCINERATOR It may taste like **s!, but it jacks up your metabolism faster than a Ferrari on rocket fuel. Liquid Clenbutrx® hardcore is certified by science, backed by the real world, and proven to give you mind blowing energy that is unparalleled on planet Earth. Clenbutrx® is back by popular demand. Why? Because of the authentic synergistic blend of ingredients that leave scientists wondering how amazing this stuff is while gym goers like you count your blessings that Clenbutrx® is back. Our new formula has        M-TTA, Pure E & Z guggulsterones, methylsynephrine, N-methyl-B-phenylethylamine, yohimbine HCl, octopamine, vinpocetine, and caffeine anydrous to mention a few. With patented VPX technology from Redline and Meltdown and the addition of crucial ingredients, the unique combination found in Clenbutrx® will melt fat off your body faster than butter on a stove and elevate your metabolism faster than a Cheetah on feeding day. Once you’ve tried Liquid Clenbutrx® hardcore, you’ll forget ephedra ever existed. Liquid Clenbutrx® hardcore, the world’s most legendary underground fat incinerator.

Monday 4 April 2011

EUGEN SANDOW – Father of Bodybuilding

In the Victorian era, Eugen Sandow must have physically appeared godly. While professional strongmen existed long before Sandow appeared, none possessed such a chiselled physique previously.

He was born Friederich Wilhelm Mueller in Königsberg, Prussia in 1867, in what is today Kaliningrad, Russia. By the time he was 19, Sandow was already performing strongman stunts in various sideshows. He was initially known for his impressive barbell routines and for breaking a chain locked around his chest. However audiences quickly became far more fascinated by Eugen Sandow’s bulging muscles than by the amount of weight he was able to hoist. As a result, Sandow developed and performed poses. He dubbed these displays ‘muscle display performances’ and the routine was a precursor to the bodybuilding competition posses we see today. His routines and physique quickly made Sandow a sensation and a highly sought after carnival attraction.

Sandow was compared to a Roman god. His resemblance to the physiques of classic Greek and Roman sculpture was no accident. Sandow had visited Italy as a child and it was there, after gazing and admiring the bulging physiques of the ancient gods, that his passion for sculpting his body took root. In training, Sandow actually measured the marble artworks in museums. He viewed them as ‘The Grecian Ideal’ and as a formula for the ‘perfect physique’. Sandow eventually built his physique to the exact proportions of Greek and Roman Sculpture and, in the process, became one of the first athletes to intentionally develop his musculature to pre-determined dimensions. Today he is considered by many to be ‘The Father of Bodybuilding’.

Sandow performed all over Europe, and went to America to perform at the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago. There he could be seen in a black velvet-lined box with his body covered in white powder to appear even more like a marble statue come to life. His popularity grew, due to his cultured appearance, high intelligence, and well-mannered disposition. He also dressed very well and had a charming European accent, coupled with deep blue eyes and hearty laugh. He was befriended by the likes of King George V of the United Kingdom, Thomas Edison and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He eventually married to a Blanche Brooks Sandow and had two daughters. But he was constantly in the company of other women who actually paid money to feel his flexed muscles after his stage performances. Sandow also had a close relationship to a male musician and composer he hired to accompany him during his shows. The degree of their relationship has never been determined, but they lived together in New York for a time. It is clear Blanche was jealous of his relationships.

Sandow was also a very astute businessman. He authored five books, owned a mail-order physical instruction and exercise equipment business and was the inventor of a unique spring-loaded dumbbell and a weighted rubber band resistance training system. Sandow’s fame was instrumental in popularising home training equipment. Sandow also produced and promoted Sandow Cigars, Sandow’s Health & Strength Cocoa and Sandow, a magazine devoted to physical culture. He opened a Physical Culture Studio in London, one of the first health clubs to contrast starkly with the ‘sweaty’ gymnasiums that had already existed, and he made exercise fashionable for all classes. Sandow organized the first ever bodybuilding contest on September 14, 1901 called the ‘Great Competition’ and held it in the Royal Albert Hall, London, UK. The event was judged by himself, Sir Charles Lawes, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the contest was a huge success and was a sell-out with hundreds of fans turned away.

At the time of his death in 1925, a cover story was released stating Sandow died prematurely at age 58 of a stroke shortly after pushing his car out of the mud. The actual cause of death was more likely due to complications from syphilis. Sandow was buried in an unmarked grave at the request of his wife, Blanche (who never divorced him) at Putney Vale Cemetery near London. In 2002, a gravestone and black marble plaque was added by Sandow admirer and author Thomas Manly. The gold-lettered inscription reads Eugen Sandow, 1867-1925 the Father of Bodybuilding.

Since 1977 , as recognition of his contribution to the sport of bodybuilding, a bronze statue of Sandow has been presented to Mr Olympia winners. The statue is simply known as ‘The Sandow’.
VIDEO: In 1894, Sandow featured in a short film by the Edison Studios. The film was of only part of the show and features him flexing his muscles rather than performing any feats of physical strength.









2010 Jay Culter Las Vegas, NV
2009 Jay Cutler Las Vegas, NV
2008 Dexter Jackson Las Vegas, NV
2007 Jay Cutler Las Vegas, NV
2006 Jay Cutler  Las Vegas, NV 
2005 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2004 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2003 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2002 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2001 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
2000 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
1999 Ronnie Coleman Las Vegas, NV
1998 Ronnie Coleman New York, NY
1997 Dorian Yates Los Angeles, CA
1996 Dorian Yates Chicago, IL
1995 Dorian Yates Atlanta, GA
1994 Dorian Yates Atlanta, GA
1993 Dorian Yates Atlanta, GA
1992 Dorian Yates Helsinki, Finland
1991 Lee Haney Orlando, FL
1990 Lee Haney Chicago, IL
1989 Lee Haney Rimini, Italy
1988 Lee Haney Los Angeles, CA
1987 Lee Haney Gothenburg, Sweden
1986 Lee Haney Columbus, OH
1985 Lee Haney Brussels, Belgium
1984 Lee Haney New York, NY
1983 Samir Bannout Munich, Germany
1982 Chris Dickerson London, England
1981 Franco Columbu Columbus, OH
1980 Arnold Schwarzenegger Sydney, Australia
1979 Frank Zane Columbus, OH
1978 Frank Zane Columbus, OH
1977 Frank Zane Columbus, OH
1976 Franco Columbu Columbus, OH
1975 Arnold Schwarzenegger Pretoria, South Africa
1974 Arnold Schwarzenegger New York, NY
1973 Arnold Schwarzenegger New York, NY
1972 Arnold Schwarzenegger Essen, Germany
1971 Arnold Schwarzenegger Paris France
1970 Arnold Schwarzenegger New York, NY
1969 Sergio Oliva New York, NY
1968 Sergio Oliva New York, NY
1967 Sergio Oliva New York, NY
1966 Larry Scott New York, NY
1965 Larry Scott  New York, NY

The story of steroids in athletics is now about to begin:

In 1954, a physician named John Ziegler attended the World Weightlifting Championships in Vienna, Austria, as the team's doctor. The Soviets dominated the competition that year, easily breaking several world records and winning gold medals in legions of weight classes. According to anecdotal reports, Ziegler invited the Soviet´s team doctor to a bar and the doctor told him that that his lifters had used testosterone injections as part of their training programs. Whether that story is true or not, ultimately, the Americans returned from the World Championships that year and immediately began their efforts to defeat the Soviets using pharmaceutical enhancement.

As you may have expected, when they returned to the United States, the team doctor began administering straight testosterone to his weightlifters. He also got involved with Ciba, the large pharmaceutical firm, and attempted to synthesize a substance with strength enhancing effects comparable or better than testosterone's. In 1956, Methandrostenolone was created, and given the name "Dianabol".

In the following years, little pink Dianabol tablets found their way into many weightlifter´s training program, fast forward a few years, and in the early 1960s, there was a clear gap between Ziegler´s weightlifters and the rest of the country, and much less of one between them and the Soviets. It was also in the 1960´s that another anabolic steroid had been developed and used to treat short stature in children with Turner Disease syndrome (13)

At this time, physicians around the United States began to take notice of steroids, and numerous studies were performed on athletes taking them, in an effort to stem the tide of athletes attempting to obtain steroids for use in sports. The early studies on steroids clearly showed that anabolic steroids offered no athletic benefit whatsoever, but in retrospect can be said to have several design flaws. The first issue with those studies, and the most glaring one was that the doses were usually very low, too low to really produce much of an effect at all. In addition, it was neither common for these studies to not be double blind nor to be randomized. A double blind study is one where neither the scientists nor the subjects of the study know if they are getting a real medication or a placebo. A randomized study is where the real medicine is randomly dispersed throughout the test group. Finally, in those early studies, nutrition and exercise was not really controlled or standardized. Not long after those flawed studies were concluded, the Physicians Desk Reference boldly (and wrongly) claimed that anabolic steroids were not useful in enhancing athletic performance. Despite this, in 1967, the International Olympic Council banned the use of anabolic steroids and by the mid 1970´s most major sporting organizations had also banned them.

Information, Facts and Great Tips on Bodybuilding, Exercise, Workouts, Supplements, Weight Lifting and Fat Burning

Sometimes when you're doubtful about the authenticity of information on body building it's a challenge to pick the outstanding recommendations from the bad advice. There's so much wordiness on body building that it's often very hard to know from where to start. The purpose of this site is to bring the benefits of various nutritional, bodybuilding and weight loss supplements to your attention so that you may be aware of some additional tools to build rock hard muscles and become a true bodybuilder.

You will find here all loosing weight, mass gaining, weight lifting and body building products with the finest ingredients. There are also many tips on weight lifting, bodybuilding, fat burning, gaining weight, losing weight and much more..Plus there are really cool special offers just for you on almost all the items. Plus there are also many exercises for almost every body part and many useful supplements like creatine glutamine, caffeine,andro supplements,  CLA,HMB and many other.

We have also just now added our injury section too to provide you tips on how to cure different injuries, their symptoms, what prevention tips you can take against them and much more..
It’s never too late and never the wrong time to start exercising. Or, maybe you already exercise, but need some advice or upgrading regarding your health & fitness equipment. Home fitness machines are a way of exercising that comes with the convenience of being right at home!
Working out at home has become popular in recent years and health & fitness equipment and home fitness machines continue to be a common mode of exercise. Convenient, safe, and effective, home gyms are very practical.

Lacking Bodybuilding Gains?

If you are not experiencing any significant bodybuilding gains the worst thing that you can do is to keep doing what you are doing.  Chances are that by doing the same thing you will keep getting the same results you have been getting; which in this case may be none at all.

When your bodybuilding program is not yielding the results that you want you need to stop and analyze why that is the case.  All aspects of your bodybuilding program (your goals, training, nutrition, supplementation, and rest) need to be analyzed in order to find where the problem is.

Keep in mind that bodybuilding is typically not a liner process.  You will experience periods of great gains, followed by periods of slower gains.  The key to always getting the fastest gains possible is to become an expert at troubleshooting your program.  Also, you need to remember to always periodize your training program.  Most of the time, when someone is not making gains, the issue is that there is no periodization in the training program.  Another issue may be that the bodybuilding diet is inadequate.  And if you have both issues at the same time, then you can forget about making any muscle gains.  Thus, if you have reached a plateau, start by taking a close look at both your training and diet programs.

Bodybuilding Biceps Workout for Shocking the Biceps Muscles into Growth

If your current bodybuilding biceps workout is no longer delivering the results that you need, then as I just said in my last blog, it is time for a change.

Remember that the best bodybuilding workout is the one that your body has not gotten used to. The reason for this is because if the body is not used to a specific workout then it needs to adapt to it by growing more muscle tissue. However, keep in mind that once the body adapts to a workout, then it is time to move on and change it.

Bodybuilding for Weight Loss: How Can Obese People Start Bodybuilding?

There is a lot of confusion on whether obese people benefit or not from bodybuilding training.  As a matter of fact, even some trainers feel that the best way to tackle obesity is by just starting out with a cardiovascular program
There is a big misconception that bodybuilding cannot help with weight loss because it is better for the person to start with cardiovascular exercise as bodybuilding training will slow down weight loss. However, we need to understand that when we are referring to weight loss we are speaking about fat loss. Bodybuilding training increases the amount of muscle in the body, thus, increasing muscle weight. However, the more muscle you have the faster your metabolism will be, which in turn helps you to lose fat weight a lot faster. With that said, bodybuilding training, which is a combination of weight training and cardiovascular exercise, is in my opinion, the absolute best way to accomplish weight loss permanently since for every pound of muscle you gain, your metabolism goes up, not only helping you to accomplish the quickest fat loss but also a permanent one (provided you adopt bodybuilding as a lifestyle). As a bonus, only via bodybuilding can a person who has a lot of weight to lose will end up with a muscular and toned physique instead of the flabby physique that dieting alone will leave you with.

What is the Optimal Amount of Meals That a Bodybuilding Diet Should Have?

Many bodybuilders do a great job when it comes to their bodybuilding workouts.  However, the reason they fail to get the results that they are looking for is because they completely miss the boat when it comes to their bodybuilding diet.
Bodybuilding is like a bicycle; you need two wheels in order for it to work properly and take you from point A to point B.  In bodybuilding, the two wheels are training and diet.

I do realize that a bodybuilding diet is the hardest part for the majority of people to stick to due to the food choices and meal frequency required.  However, the more aggressive your goals are, the more you need to pay attention to the nutrition aspect. 
In the latest article by my good friend, fitness expert and bodybuilding legend Lee Labrada, he discusses the optimal amount of meals that your bodybuilding diet should consist of and also, ways to make it easier for you to follow your diet.
Check out the article here: The Importance of Meal Frequency in Your Bodybuilding Diet